App List

Fair Skies

Your local weather forecast

Fair Skies keeps track of your significant location changes to always deliver your latest, local forecast.

Fair Skies will send you notifications if there are any dangerous weather conditions coming to your area.

Fair Skies provides multiple Widgets for glancing at the current conditions before heading out.

Fair Skies comes with an Apple Watch app with full complication support so that you can get all of your local weather delivered directly to you wrist.

Lane Legend

Your legendary bowling stats

Lane Legend allows you to keep track of all of your bowling games, in either practice rounds or leagues.

Lane Legend constantly updates your statistics whenever you bowl. Know your high games, low games, how your average is trending in your league, and much more.

Lane Legend works on both iPhone and iPad with custom interfaces for each device.

Lane Legend keeps all of your data safe in iCloud so you'll never lose it. Get a new device, all of your data will sync.